Monday, October 28, 2013

October 28, 2013

I am currently sitting at work with nothing to do, so I have decided to update everyone about my lovely life and all my thoughts... on just about everything.

Well, first off, in the competition to register for classes, I am sad to say I have none to register for. I will be in COB 300 next semester, which is the big business plan class for the College of Business here at JMU. So I am assigned to my classes for that, but I wanted to finish my minor next semester as well since I only have one class left to take, but it turns out I won't know if I can register for it until I get my 300 schedule... which won't be until winter break. So, needless to say, I'm a little disappointed in that.

Friday I went home, briefly, to see a concert in Baltimore with my sister and her friends. We had a great time, even though we sat in DC traffic for nearly two hours! If you have not heard of Lydia, I suggest you look them up. They're great! Also, if you ever listened to Anberlin and stopped for some reason, you should get back into them.

Saturday I spent the day with my mom. We went shopping and then went to my favorite local restuarant for one last time before they do their big move into a bigger place! Then I briefly saw my dad as he supplied me with loads of candy I shouldn't be eating! It's alwas nice seeing family.
I also failed my driver's license test to get my license renewed! So there's that... after five years of having my license and I still can't manage to pass the test on the first try. So I will be going back to retake the test and hopefully have a non-expired license in my possession!

One last thing on my mind is how dramatic boys can be. I swear guys get more jealous and snotty about unnecessary things than most girls do. And this goes out to a lot of the boys I know. You do not own a girl and unless you are dating her, you have no dibs or control over her. Let's just get that straight. Also, boys, you need to stop being dicks to your friends. I am so confused as to when we started putting getting laid before having your friend's back or even just being a good friend. Like let's stop that because it's not attractive and it actually hurts people's feelings and you'll probably get what you deserve. Ugh.

Anyways, so my friend Kimberly is hopefully coming down on Thursday to spend Halloween with me so needless to say we will have an entirely too fun weekend together. I hope you all have great costume ideas, because let's be real, I have none. So if you have any ideas, please feel free to share!


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