Saturday, July 6, 2013

soulmates versus true love

I just finished watching a movie called Timer. It's about having a timer pierced on your wrist around the age of 14 and it counts down the days, hours, minutes, and seconds until you meet your soulmate. It's an interesting concept. Would you really want to know the exact moment you meet your soulmate? Scary...

I won't ruin it for any of you who may want to watch it, but it did get me thinking. I haven't come to terms with everyone having a soulmate. I think soulmates can exist in your best friend or your sister, whatever. I believe you can have a first love... and a second, third, and fourth. But I believe you only have one true love. There's a connection between you and the person you choose to spend the rest of your life with. I don't believe opposites attracts. I believe you find love in the person who reflects your ideas, values, beliefs, etc...

I am still trying to find my one true love. I've had a first love and I believe I have had a second love. In comparison, the two were completely different, but I saw myself in both of them. One was fun and careless and always put a smile on my face. He had a heart bigger than anyone you'd ever meet. My second love was smart, determined, and encouraging. He made me want to be a better person, whereas my first made me feel like I already was the best. I know that sounds a little egotistical, but it makes complete sense to me. I'm trying to find a balance. I know what I want in my true love and I only hope some day I can find that. I hope everyone can find that. Don't give up on love. It's out there for everyone, just open up a bit.

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